Learner’s best companion on the road to success, enabling to learn with fun, accessible anywhere and anytime.

Thanks to Learnia, now there is a reason to be enthusiastic to study math.

You probably like to play games... Because they are fun and exciting, aren’t they? How about studying math?

Now, you have Learnia!

For the math part of the Higher Education Entrance Exam (YGS), there are;

  • 620 units of lecture videos,
  • Total of 4,400 questions and their solutions,
  • 2,000 solution videos to the questions.

In addition, for the math part of the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS), there are;

  • 212 units of lecture videos,
  • 1,500 questions and their solutions,
  • 800 solution videos to the questions.

The content is prepared by academic experts in the field of mathematics.

For more information you can visit our website at learnia.com.tr
