Authoring tool, enabling you to create and share rich learning objects. Being used by more than 800,000 teachers.
Explore the Etudyo
The Etudyo is a complete solution providing a rich content development and sharing environment where along with your own materials, its rich multimedia asset library enables you to create colourful, interaction-rich learning objects rapidly.
It supports the entire learning/teaching life-cycle steps with its features for class and performance management such as:
- Develop rich content rapidly
- Import your content compliant with international standards
- Create your own library
- Access in any platform
- Use anywhere and anytime
- Apply Classroom Management for enriched classroom learning strategy
Etudyo for Quality in Learning
Create, edit and share modular content in a scalable environment.
Smart Boards and Tablets Have Become Fully Functional in Learning
- Prepare your own enriched content. Prepare instant quizzes.
- Share your content with smart boards, tablets or PCs.
- Apply popup exams and follow the class performance instantly.
- Create enriched assignments for students to study with fun at home.
For more information you can visit our website at